Jumat, 12 April 2013



Presented to Islamic High School "Darul Huda"
To Fulfill One Requirement
To take a Part in Final Exam

Written by :


                                                                   REG. NO : 18611


2011/ 2012
Addres : Jl. Ir. Juanda VI/38 Telp. (0352) 461093 Mayak Tonatan Ponorogo


ON DATE : ____________________





DAY/DATE: _______________________


Examiner I


Examiner II


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This paper is dedicated to
  • My beloved mother and father who always give spirit for me and always keep me since I was born until now. I love you forever.
  • All of my teachers in Darul Huda who have given a lot of knowledge until I understand about this world.
  • My counselor who always gives suggestions in making this paper.
  • My sister Dewi Ratna Dwita who always given spirit for me and always making me smile.
  • My best friends in Community of Huda 5 Youlake, Amie, Dedek, Chiro, Ibna, Nhizwa, Diano, Mhyloo, Yuntit, Mama, Jaya, Usek, Chuniq, Muntul, Bintun, and Windut who always makes noisy in the bedroom.
  • All friends who made my life very colorful Ita, Muhim, Lutfi, Linda, Cici and all of my friends who I can’t mention their names in member of XII B NASSA.
  • The last to my Islamic Boarding School which gives me spirit to the true meaning of life and give me true friend.


الرحيم الرحمن بسم الله
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله, واشهد ان محمدا رسول الله

In the name of Allah SWT lord of world and the creator all universes with the content, who has given us his mercy, guidance and also blessing for us until we can finish this paper composing.
Peace and solution always be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the darkness to the lightness.
The writer says thanks very much for blessing and helping to finish this paper under the title “THE ADVANTAGE OF PETROLEUM AS SOURCE OF LIFE” as the requirement of school “Darul Huda” Mayak Tonatan Ponorogo the academic year 2011/2012.
Besides, the writer wishes to express thankful to the person who helped in composing and finishing this paper. They are as follow:
1.      Mr. Drs. Mudhofir Ihsan, as the headmaster of Islamic Senior High School “Darul Huda” Mayak Tonatan Ponorogo.
2.      Mr. Zainul Abidin ,S.Pd, as the home class teacher of  XIIB IPA “Darul Huda” Mayak Tonatan Ponorogo.
3.      Mr. Taufik Hidayat, S.Pd, as the writer’s counselor and motivator for me in composing this paper.
4.      All people whom I can’t mention their name who help me to finish this paper.
I hope it will be useful for the writer especially and all readers commonly. And the writer hopes the readers pardon for any mistakes. The writer isn’t sure that there is no mistake in the writing, because no one is perfect in this life. Critics and suggestion for making better are needed in writing this paper.

      Ponorogo,                    2011

                                                                                (Devy Cristiana)

A.    Background of Study
Indonesia has many natural resources like natural products and minerals. They are diverse and abundant. One of the Almighty god’s gift to be thankful for and maintained its sustainability is petroleum.
In the modern era, almost of all are driven by engine. The need of energy sources to drive the machines can not be inevitable. Talking about energy source, our thought immediately focused on petroleum. Until now, petroleum still provides the largest contribution to supply world needs.
Petroleum is a natural wealth that can not be updated, since its formation process has takes in many times. For that, then its usage must be as efficient as possible because the petroleum also provides prosperity for life.
Therefore, writer is interested to discuss this issue in this paper under the title “The Advantage Of Petroleum As Source Of Life”, to show the public the true meaning about that.
The writer hopes after reading this paper, the readers can understand about petroleum. May Allah gives mercy to the writer, the readers and all people who help the writer to finish this paper.

B.     Formulation of Problem
To be easy to discussion of paper, the writer needs to make the formulation of problem as follows:
1.      What is the process of oil formation?
2.      What is the process of petroleum processing?
3.      What is the advantage of petroleum for life?
C.    Purpose of Study
The purposes of discussion, which is reached by the writer are:
1.      To know the process of oil formation.
2.      To know the process of petroleum processing.
3.      To know the advantage of petroleum for life.
D.    Source of Research
To reach the aim of this of this paper, the writer uses method of library research namely:
1.      Some data were gotten from library by reading some books which have connection with the title.
2.      Some data were gotten from library, after words it will be processed until getting the conclusion in this paper.
E.    Method of Collection Data
The writer’s method in collection data is by reading some book that have related to the writers which are needed in this paper, getting information from internet and research.

F.     Method of Analyzing Data
To finish this paper, the writer uses methods to analyze data namely:
1.      Deductive method: the writer analyzes data begins from the generally concept to specific conclusion.
2.      Inductive method: the writer takes a special concept then it will be explained to general analyzing.
G.   Systematic of Discussion
In this discussing of paper “The Advantage of Petroleum as Source of Life, the writer uses systematic for getting a conclusion that will be aimed. There are:
A.    Background of Study
B.     Purpose of Study
C.     Source of Research
D.    Methods of Collecting Data
E.     Methods of Analyzing Data
F.      Systematic of Discussion
In this part, the readers can read shortly about the main of discussion where the writer will discuss in the paper while definition can be completely read in hence fourth chapter
This chapter will explain about the definition of petroleum, method to find and extract petroleum, component of constructing petroleum.
This chapter will explain about the process of oil formation, the process of petroleum processing, and the role of petroleum for life.
This last chapter contains about conclusion and suggestion, after many explanations completely that hence fourth is taking a conclusion.


A.    The Definition of Petroleum
Petroleum is fuel from fossil that can not update, so one ever will lose. Petroleum comes from phrase petro (its meaning store) and oleum (its meaning oil). So, petroleum means stone oil, in its formation of oil is held up in mud layer and gradually become stone. Because of the influence of pressure and temperature from belly earth, its oil spread up and united at reservoir stone (pore stone that can perforate petroleum). Because of being kapilaritas, petroleum moves up. If prevented by stone not pore, oil will pile up stone in it. Because it is called by means of petroleum (at latin language, petrus : stone, oleum : oil ). (Kimia IB, 2004: 62)

B.     Method to Find and Extract Petroleum
Petroleum and nature air are energy sources that are very important. Both are main energy sources that are used in world. To find and explore it, obliged cost that by enough. Except it, obliged technique is really efficient so it does not happen accident that harms many people.
Separation process and petroleum process begins by mapping geology and seismic to detect the existence of minerals in petroleum continued by drilling which produces crude oil that have to be processed in more continuing scale .
Particular technique, as technique “echo-sounding” is used for giving geologist map under water zone. Besides that, technique of echo-sounding also is used for giving advice about possibility from petroleum place and nature survives. But, the one step to make certain existence of petroleum is by drilling oil source.
To know petroleum source and step how to take, it can be done as follows:

The first, geologist chooses districts that enable to have the hidden oil and air under earth’s surface. When doing this exploration, they have known variety of stone formation to catch oil and air. The part of trap is formed by stone layer that forms cupola (1)
To find sound wave is used in echo sounding process (2). Next, this trap is tested for knowing contents of oil and air by drilling trial well. To get the optimum result from the extract, there is much oil flowing easily from stone.
When oil and air are found under ocean, so, build production annex (3). This annex consists of electric germ, industry, drill tool, and also hotel to worker. At this annex petroleum and nature air, they are extracted to past oil well from several corners. 

C.    The Component of Constructing of Petroleum
Petroleum is mixed alkana, sikloalkana, hydrocarbon aromatic, and other composed that contain sulphur, nitrogen, oxygen, and orgarologram.
1.      Hydrocarbon alifatik safiation, formed alkana, or also named with paraffin. Alkana is the biggest component of petroleum. Alkana in petroleum is found in the type of row straight (normal alkana and row forked cisoalkana)
Component composed as follows :
a.       Metana CH 4
b.      Etana CH3CH3
c.       Propena CH3CH2CH
d.      Butana CH3 (CH2)2 CH3
e.       N-Heptana CH3 (CH2)2 CH3
f.       Iso Oktana CH– C (CH3)2 CH2 CH (CH3)2
2.      Hydrocarbon safiation in chains of siklik, formed sikloalkana or also named with naftena. Sikloalkana is the biggest second petroleum components after alkana. Sikloalkana is found in type of ring 5 atom carton (siklopentana) or ring 6 atom carbon (siklopheksana).
      CH2­ CH2
CH2­                 CH2­
CH2        –         CH2
Siklopropana                                           c.  Siklopentana

      CH2­ CH2
CH2­                 CH2­
CH2­­ CH2
CH2  –             CH2
CH2    CH2
Siklobutana                                             d. Siklopheksana

3.      Hydrocarbon aromatic is also called with seri aromatic. This composition is found in type of benzene, alkil benzene, naftalena and antrasena. Composed aromatic is only slight number, but it is too necessary at fuel.
This is because composed aromatic:
a.       Having high anti knock aromatic
b.      Having the stability of good safety, and
c.       The other function as fuels
Composed component:
CH             CH
CH             CH

         CH                    CH
CH                    C                    CH
CH                    C                    CH
             CH                CH
Naftalena                                                            c. Benzena

         CH            CH          CH
CH             C              C             CH
CH             C              C             CH
         CH            CH           CH

CH             CH – CH2
CH             CH

Antrasena                                                            c. Toluena

4.      Other composition in slight number, that are :
a.       Sulphur composed, other things alkanatiol R – S – H
b.      Nitrogen composed, other thing pirol (C4 H5 N)
c.       Oxygen compsed, formed karboksilat acid.
d.      Orgarologam composed, formed vanadium composed and nikel with slight total.
Based on situation above, we can make percentage of petroleum composition:
Composed type
Composed component
90 – 99 %
Alkana, sikloalkana, and alkena aromatic
Sulphur composed
0,7 – 7 %
Tioalkana, Alkanatiol
Nitrogen composed
0,01 – 0,9 %
Pirol (C4 H5 N)
Oxygen composed
0,01 – 0,4 %
Asam karbosilat
Very small
nikel metal compound

So, petroleum is mixed from several elements that have disposal the different.

A.    The Process of Oil Formation
The process of oil formation is described according two main theories developed on the origins of petroleum, among others:
1.      Inorganic theory (biogenesis)
Berthelot (1866) suggested that the oil contained in the alkali metals, which in a free shared with high temperatures will be in contact with CO2 to form asitilena. Then Mendeleyef (1877) suggested that petroleum is formed due to the influence of steam on the carbide-carbide metal in the earth. Even, there are extreme claims of some experts who argue that oil began to form since prehistoric times, long before the earth was formed and together with the formation of the earth. The statements were based on the fact finding of hydrocarbon material within a few rocks and meteors in the atmosphere some other planets.
Based on the theory of inorganic, petroleum formation is based on chemical processes, namely:
a.       The theory of heat alkalization with CO2 (Berthelot)
The reactions that occur:
Alkali metal carbide + CO2
Carbide + H2O ocetylena
C2H2        C6H6   other components
In other words, that there is oil in the alkali metals in, a state of free and high temperature. When CO2 from the air is inked with hot alkali before then will be formed ocetylena. Ocetylena will be changed to benzene due to high temperatures. The weakness of this metal is not available free of alkali metal in the earth’s crust.
b.      The theory of heat carbide with water (Mendeleyef ).
The assumption used is no iron carbide in the earth’s crust which is then in contact with water to form hydrocarbons, the weakness is not enough carbide in nature.
2.      Organic theory
Based on the theory of biogenesis, petroleum formed due to a permanent small leak in the carbon cycle. This, carbon cycle occurred in the surface of the earth’s atmosphere, which is depicted with two arrows with opposite direction, where the carbon is transported in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2).
In the first, assimilate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, meaning that CO2 is extracted from the atmosphere by photosynthetic organism land and sea. At the direction of both the CO2 released back into the atmosphere through respiration of living things (plants, animals and micro organism).
The processed of petroleum formation consists of three levels, namely:
1.      The establishment itself, consists of :
-          The collection of organic matter in sediments
-          Preservation of organic matter in sediments
-          Transformation of organic matter in petroleum
2.      Migration of petroleum is formed and dispersed in the sediment lays trapped.
3.      Accumulation of oil drops is dispersed in layers of sediment up to gather a commercial accumulation.
The process of transformation of organic matter can change into petroleum. There are several parts that affect on the above events, including:
1.      Thermal Degradation
As a result of sediment exposed to landfill and it will arise by adding pressure and temperature changes. Changes in temperature are very important factor.
2.      Reaction catalyst
The existence of a catalyst to speed up chemical processed.
3.      Radio active
Bombarding effects on acids by alpha particles forming can paraffin hydrocarbons. This shows the influence of organic substances radio active.
4.      Bacterial activity
Bacteria has a great potential in petroleum hydrocarbon formation process and play a part since the demise of the organic compounds until the time of diagnosis, and prepare the conditions that allow formation of petroleum.

B.     The Process of Petroleum Processing
Petroleum is usually located 3-4 km below sea level. Petroleum is obtained by making the well bore. Crude oil gained is collected in tankers of flowed through pipes into the tank station or oil refinery. Crude oil (cude oil ) black viscous liquid and smelled dreadful. Crude oil can not be used as fuel or for other purposes, but must be processed first. Crude oil contains about 500 species of hydrocarbons with the number of atoms C-1 through 50. The boiling front of hydrocarbons increases with increasing number of C atoms within molecule. Therefore, the processing is done through distillation of petroleum-rise, where crude oil is separated into groups (fraction) with a similar boiling point.
In general, petroleum processing is described along two ranks as follows:
First processing,
In this step, it is done rank distillation separated petroleum fractions based its boiling points. Component of its boiling point is higher will firm as liquid and decrease to bottom. Even through its boiling point decreased, it will steam and ascend to the top along scoap called bubble scoap. Distillation is done in the tank/oil refinery.

Second processing,
At this rank is continued process producing from stratified refining with process as follow:
1.      Cracking/pyrolisis
Cracking or pyrolisis is process disruption molecules thick hydrocarbon to be molecules that smaller with unbelievable/katalis.
7H15H30C7H15                                        C­7H16 + C­6H17CH2 + C­14H28CH2
Heavy gas oil                                       Gasolin    Gasolin     recycle stock
Cracking at first is done without  using katalis, but it is not efficient and very much product with boiling point that is very low. Used katalis is for cracking from then 1930 year using bentonit. After  world war II, bentonit charge with silica-alumina sis. One big problem that is opposite with usage of katalis is unbelievable carbon sediment at katalis surface as kokas. This fact causes decreasing katalis activity. But the current problem has been founded its disruption by using other zat katalis, zeolit or loam pillar. Have been done several researches about using zeolit and loam pillar as katalis as process petroleum cracking.
The existence of  katalis and enough heat, so that hydrocarbon paraffin will break a fragment or more. One of them is as olefin. All cracking are endothermic and involve high energy.
2.      Ekstration
This working is based on at regulation from  particular materials fixed into two parts that are different its influence dissolved.
3.      Crystallization
Before filtration, candle has to crystallitationing for conform size crystal with coling and stirring. Candle that is not wanted removed and to be candle mikrokristalin that marketable.
4.      Purification from contamination

C.    The Advantage of Petroleum as Source of Life
Petroleum has advantage very much. The advantage of petroleum along fractions based on its boiling point as follow:
Fraction variety
Total atom C
Boiling point oC
Nature Gas (LNG)
C1 – C2
- 160 – (-88)
Gas fuel
Elpigi (LPG)
C3 – C4
- 40 – 0
House hold fuel
Petroleum Eter
C5 – C6
20 – 70
Dissolved, laundress
C7 – C10
70 – 180
Transportation fuels
C11 – C12
180 – 250
Lamp fuels, brazier fuels
Electric generator oil
C13 – C14
250 – 350
Electric generator fuels
Fuel oil
C15 – C16
350 – 400
Industry fuels
Pelumas oil
C17 – C20
> 350
C21 – C24
> 400
Lighting lamp
> C40
> 450
Road industry
Cotton oil
Solid Carbon
Electrode, fuel

Other advantages from petroleum as follow, insecticide, match, medicines, paint, detergent, plastic, rubber, polish, cosmetic, roof, candle, batik textile and soon.

A.    Conclusion
1.      The process of oil formation
a.       Inorganic theory (Abiogenesis)
b.      Organic theory (Biogenesis)
2.      The process of petroleum processing
a.       Stratified distillation
b.      Continued process
-          Cracking/pylorisis
-          Extraction
-          Crystallization
-          Purification from contamination
3.      The advantage of petroleum as sources of life
a.       Transportation fuel motorized, slove, electric generator and industry fuel
b.      Laundress solvent, for example detergent
c.       Road industry, for example asphalt who use for adhesive at loudspeaker.
Based on the explanation about “The advantage of petroleum as sources of life”, so the writer suggests young people:
1.      Processing, exploit and economize petroleum with as possible because petroleum is a natural wealth that can not be updated and at now it supply becomes less.
2.      Making serious effort look for alternative as replacement petroleum.
3.      Decreasing negative impact from petroleum fuel burning with using transportation who can carry out perfect bring (produce CO2).

B.     Closing
Because of expression Alhamdulillah, the writer thanked to Allah, because the writer can finish this paper although it was not perfect.
The writer realizes as human being mistakes when the writer writes this paper. But the writer had tried to do as good as possible. It is hoped that this paper can be very useful although it still needs some improvements, recommendation and suggestion that can be used as a consideration for next improvements in the future. So, the writer hopes the suggestion and critics to all of reader.
Finally, the writer just prays to Allah and hopes that this paper useful for writer specially and for reader commonly.

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